You don’t see my humanity,
You only see the clothes I wear, and the neighborhood I live in
When stop and frisk or pull me over without cause
You only see the color of my skin
You don’t see my pursuit of more
My desire to be great
You don’t understand or see that I have purpose
All you see is hate
We are more than task forces and committees that you form with no real intentions to affect change
Our concerns deserve more than your ignorance
At the end of the day the task force only serves as a buffer to appease
A people you are set against
It’s you I need to talk you!
It’s you who need to see my tears!
It’s you who need to feel this raw emotion!
It’s you who need to hear my fears!
Why aren’t you here to face your constituents?
Why aren’t you here to hear my concerns?
Why aren’t you here to listen to my experiences?
It's because you really don’t care, I’ve learned
Don’t tell me to shut up!
Don’t tell me to be quiet!
Why won’t you speak up,
In the midst of so much violence?
White America’s silence is deafening
Your silence speaks volumes
Don’t stand for me behind closed doors
If you’re silent on the forefront
You don’t see my humanity, because if you did there would be change
You see this black skin, and your first reaction is “thing,”
Blackness brings to your mind “thug,” and “no name,”
“Less than” and “other human,” instead of black queen or king
You may not see my humanity
But human is what I am!
Made in the image of a powerful God
Who is the great “I AM!”
He sees my humanity
He sees all that I go through
He knows all of my challenges
And He sees you too!
He sees how you treat His children like chattel
He sees how you try to dictate
He sees when you call yourself fighting for rights
While hiding behind white supremacy and hate
One day you will have to answer for how you treat me
One day you will have to give an account
One day you will have to speak on why you didn’t see me
Why my humanity you discount
You don’t see my humanity
But thankfully you don’t have the final say
Remember we all will have to give an account on how we lived and treated our neighbor
On a day called Judgment Day